Max Log
Max 18” Axle Deadlift
Last Man Standing Stone Load
Weigh-ins: 10/28 at 5pm-7pm at East Ave Barbell as well as 10/29 from 8am-9:00am
Rules: 9:30am
Lifting Begins at 10am
Prize for best male lifter and best Female lifter for the log lift/deadlift portion and an award for the highest stone lift of the day for the men and women.
The stone lift is not included in the overall event total.
Running Order
The log lift must always be before the deadlift when running the event.
Athletes are allowed to compete in only one of the events if they choose.
Your final score is a combined total of your heaviest completed Log Lift and heaviest completed deadlift under the below rules.
The highest total in each division will be declared the winner.
If two totals are the same in any division, the competitor that weighed in the lightest will be declared the winner of that class. If however the competitors are listed as the same weight at the weigh-in, then it will count back to who had the heaviest log lift.
Athlete will still get a score even if they “Zero” one of the lifts.
The Log Lift
Competitor will have 60 seconds to complete the lift after being given the go ahead from the judge/ref
log must be controlled back to the ground. (No Throwing of the implement). The log does not need to be returned to the chest on the descent, only controlled to the ground.
Any dropped lift will result in a failed lift and will not count. If you are told your lift does not count, you may attempt it again providing you still have time within your allotted 60 seconds for that particular lift
Each competitor has 3 attempts.
60 seconds to complete the lift after the whistle blows. Lifter can continue to lift until the full 60 seconds are up.
Competitor nominates their opening attempt for both events at the time of checking for the event.
Competitor can not drop their nominated weight after a failed attempt or a completed attempt.
No minimum weight increase. This is due to international events crossing over to lbs or kgs.
No points awarded if no complete lifts are counted
Lift is completed when the judge calls “down”. To receive the “down” call, the lifter must have knees, hips and shoulders locked out and head “through”.
Competitor may change their first lift, once only, up to 5 minutes out from the start of the event, not after.
Competitor to nominate their second lift weight immediately after completion of their first lift
Competitor may change their second lift weight, once only, But it can not be lesser than the weight that is currently on the bar.
Competitor to nominate their third lift weight immediately after completion of their second lift
Competitor may change their third lift weight, twice only, but it can not be lesser than the weight that is currently on the bar.
If the competitor successfully locks out a rep just before the buzzer but then drops the implement in an uncontrolled way, the rep will not count.
Belts are allowed, an under belt and an over belt is allowed. Two belts, one above the other on the torso (equivalent to a stepped setup), is not allowed. A loop in the belt is not allowed. Nothing is allowed to be added to, or stuffed into the belt to make a shelf.
chalk is allowed
tacky is not allowed, straps are also not allowed.
wraps and sleeves are allowed, including “equipped” elbow sleeves. One item per joint. IE one elbow sleeve, not multiple sleeves on the one elbow. (wraps on elbows aren’t allowed)
Spotter on Log Lift: if a spotter is on the log lifting event and they intervene with a lift, the log has to be reset to the ground for the lift to start again. If it is deemed that the log spotter stepped in too early, which can only be ruled by the judge, then the lifter can opt to have another 60 seconds added to their time then and there, or they can take this lift again at the end of the round of their flight. If the lifter chooses to continue during their current 60 seconds, they will not be allowed to take another 60 seconds after the round, if they fail during their current lift period.
The log can not be rested on the top of the head during the lift. It may however be allowed to touch the head during the upward trajectory.
18" Axle Deadlift
A conventional stance deadlift is mandatory. No Sumo stance allowed, no Jefferson deadlifts or any other variation, conventional deadlift only. Hands must be outside the knees for the entire duration of the lift.
Straps allowed, figure 8 straps also allowed. However they must be tight and the hands have to be around/holding the axle. A long figure 8 strap with “fingertips” being the only thing touching the bar will not be an acceptable lift.
Deadlift suits are allowed.
No Tacky allowed.
Each competitor has 3 attempts.
Competitor can not drop their nominated weight after a failed attempt or a completed attempt.
No minimum weight increase. This is due to international events crossing over to lbs or kgs.
No mid lift bounce allowed. This is where the athlete forcefully pushes the bar to the ground, mid lift, to gain height on the rebound to get past a sticking point.
No “Eddie Halls” allowed, weight must be controlled to the ground for the lift to count.
60 seconds to complete the lift after the whistle blows. Lifter can continue to lift until the full 60 seconds are up.
No points awarded if no complete lifts are counted
Lift is completed when the judge calls “down”. To receive the “down” call, the lifter must have knees, hips and shoulders locked out.
Competitor may change their first lift, once only, up to 5 minutes out from the start of the event, not after.
Competitor to nominate their second lift weight immediately after completion of their first lift
Competitor may change their second lift weight, once only, But it can not be lesser than the weight that is currently on the bar.
Competitor to nominate their third lift weight immediately after completion of their second lift
Competitor may change their third lift weight, twice only, but it can not be lesser than the weight that is currently on the bar.
Competitors opening lift must be at the minimum set weights or above for that class
Chalk is allowed
Last man Standing Stone Lift:
Every Competitor will take every stone starting at 175 lbs for men and 115 lbs for women. Stones may not be skipped.
Lifters will load stone over a 48 inch bar for men and a 46 inch bar for women.
Tacky is allowed, competitors will be asked to be aware of their surroundings and use thee designated clean up area.
All grip shirts are allowed.
When Loading the stone over the bar competitors will not be allowed to grab thee bar and chest bump the stone over the bar. If a competitor does so they will be made to reattempt the stone lift.
Competitors must weigh-in under their weight class as is it listed under 90kg, under 82.5kg, etc.
For example: if you weigh in 90.0kg you will be listed as under 105kg. If you weigh in as 89.9kg you will be listed as under 90kg. The same goes for pounds.Every competitor, no matter which class (even opens) must weigh in, this is to adjust world rankings as there is regularly tie’s in Monster Totals.
Static Monsters is an international event, we will set the weight classes in both Pounds and Kilograms.